segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

Economia e modelos matemáticos (1)

Extactos de "Economics is far too important to be left in the care of academics", por Roger Bootle:
Yet the issues that many practical economists have to deal with do not yield to bludgeoning by ever more complex systems of equations or intensive torturing of the data by econometrics. They are issues rooted in our nature as human beings living in society. What yields results is usually a mixture of deep understanding of society and its institutions, close knowledge of all the relevant magnitudes, familiarity with the history – and good judgment.
How can these skills be acquired? Not by studying the modern academic subject called "Economics". In most cases that is almost like undergoing a self-administered lobotomy. Students of economics today are force-fed theoretical models of startling banality and irrelevance, leavened only by doses of econometric techniques of dubious validity and near-zero intellectual interest.

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