segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

A inflação é um imposto insidioso sobre as poupanças

In a recent interview with David McAlavany Dr. Marc Faber answered this question about inflation:

David McAlavany: It seems like perhaps one of the best strategies that they [o Governo] have to employ is a manipulation of the CPI [Índice de preços no consumido] numbers so that people assume that real-world inflation is 2 to2½%, while running at a 5% rate, essentially cutting the debts in half over a long enough period of time. If real-world inflation is, as John Williams of Shadow Stats has said, closer to 8%, then we are alleviating a lot of our existing stock of debt, at a rapid rate.

Marc Faber: Correct. But you understand, you are not really helping the economy, you are impoverishing, let’s say, the honest people who are decent, who have deposits, who save money and keep it in the banking system, who simply do not want to speculate. So, it is a tax on people’s savings, and it is a very vicious tax, because it is not so obvious to them,but it will become obvious one day, when with their money they can buy less and less. In other words, the purchasing power of money goes down. That is why I am telling everyone, if you already own cash, consider gold and silver to be a component of your cash portfolio, and own some of it, because the government can appropriate it, but otherwise they cannot fiddle around with it in terms of increasing the supply.

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