quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

Ainda a bolha do ensino superior

A College Bubble So Big Even The New York Times And 60 Minutes Can See It...Sort Of foi o título que Jerry Bowyer, escolheu para a sua coluna de ontem na Forbes. Bowyer refere-se ao programa 60 Minutes que referenciei há uns dias e a um artigo recente no NYT (com um espectacular gráfico). O autor escreve sobre a sua leitura da situação do ensino superior norte-americano (resultante da "bolha" que antecipou), mas creio que muito pouco alteraria para caracterizar a situação homóloga portuguesa. Um excerto:
"There has been a severe contraction in the quality of higher education in America. Did we really think we could open the floodgates and not affect the quality of graduates? Can you turn college into the new high school, and not get high school-like results? Grade inflation will only keep the problem concealed for so long before the general public becomes aware that outside of a few highly challenging programs and majors, the quality of American higher education is plummeting. Graduates are mastering fewer facts, can’t think critically about the facts they have mastered, and can’t express whatever ideas they have mastered in clear, cogent, grammatically correct sentences. Employers already know this."
Interessante também o comentário do Prof. Mark Perry:
Government housing policies turned "good renters into bad homeowners" and created an unsustainable housing bubble. It's now becoming apparent that government education policies have turned "good high school graduates, many of whom should have pursued two-year degrees or other forms of career training, into unemployable college graduates with excessive levels of student loan debt that can't be discharged," and created an unsustainable higher education bubble.

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